Here I am going to my first day of preschool

Don't I look nervous?

My cousin Jacoby came to visit for a few days and we had lots of fun! Stinky says he screams when she puts hats on him but Mommy thinks he just needed the right one :)

Daddy even took the day off to take us to the zoo.

Go Yankees!

Just taking a break

I don't think Jacoby was too happy when he woke up at the zoo

Stop taking pictures I am looking for animals

Jacoby helped make cookies...

well at least he tried

Don't we look cute!

If you can catch me I will smile for the camera

I think it is time for a haircut

I was given candy corn to sit and smile for this picture.
Did the baby really help make cookies...looks like he ate one too many.
At least his fat legs fit in the chair. Remember when we got Nick stuck in it.
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