Cousin Andy is good at putting puzzles together but I am still the puzzle king!

Who thought putting stickers in the eggs was a good idea?

Where are those jellybeans? Did someone cut me off from the candy?

The Easter bunny hid lots of eggs in Grandma's backyard!

Where could that silly bunny have hid them?

I hope these eggs are filled with candy. I need a sugar fix.

It's okay cousin Andy, Grandma doesn't mind if I trample her flowers.

I like pushing baby Zachary in his swing.

Chocolate for breakfast was a bad choice.

Cool! The doll likes to watch Barney too!

Look at all the candy and toys I got. Mommy and Daddy said the Easter Bunny brought me a doll because I need to learn how to be gentle. I wasn't really listening I was too busy banging the doll's head into the table.

I found my Easter basket!!!!
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